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Love, Compassion and Humility

Thank you For your Support of FOOD FOR FRIENDS!

When we think about what serving like Jesus looks like, we are reminded of Jesus washing His disciple’s feet (John 13:1-17) and the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37). From these passages, 3 characteristics of God stand out to us: Love, Compassion, and Humility. As we go into a month of being thankful and giving, we encourage you to serve like Jesus. We would love to have you partner and serve with FOOD FOR FRIENDS. Check out our website there are many ways to give and be involved However, during these days of pandemic many of our events are limited on how many people can get involved. The good news, there are opportunities for us all every day.

Simply choose to love, have compassion, and walk in humility. So if you ask yourself what can I do? Be proactive and think about where, and who you can serve this month. Give the gift of time, Love thy Neighbor.

Daniel Herzog President Food For Friends



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