On Saturday, August 14, Food For Friends was invited to serve food at the Fourth Annual Back to School Bash event in held in Wing Park Elgin, Illinois. Due to COVID risks, for a second year in a row the event was a drive through with several vendors participating. Food For Friends partnered for the first time with Dukes Blues and BBQ of Dundee, Illinois who was also invited by the Elgin Chamber of Commerce to serve food.

It was a beautiful, warm, and sunny day. Food For Friends president Dan Herzog started us with a prayer thanking God for this opportunity and reminded us of why we were serving. We then we rolled up our sleeves and went to work. We had 10 volunteers from both groups working together with open and grateful hearts serving the line of cars that came to Wing park in a steady stream for just over two hours.
We served hot dogs, chips, water bottles, and pulled pork sandwiches to the guests and gave each car a Food For Friends Blessing Card from Food For Friends telling the good news of God and our mission. The total numbers of cars and guests served was down from the forecast. However, Food For Friends & Dukes provided over 550 meals to many families that were all smiles and seemed very full of gratitude for the food. We then had the great opportunity to provide some of our other partners with a surprise dinner. We took a couple hundred leftover meals each to HELPS Ministry of St Charles, Ewing Annex hotel Chicago, and a group of Group of National Guards soldiers performing military exercises near by.
Lesson Learned:
We listened to God's whisper and sometimes things don’t always go as we plan, but we are following the prompting of the Holy Spirit and these actions felt like the right thing to do. Because we followed the prompting, many more people were blessed with meals from Food For Friends.
For more pictures from this event, go to our album on Facebook titled 2021-08-14 Back to School Bash in Elgin.