On Monday, May 31, 2021, H.E.L.P.S Ministry had a Memorial Day Cookout for the community of St. Charles and Elgin, Illinois.
Food For Friends volunteers showed up at 11am to help with the set-up of the cookout and serve the meal. The tables were spread out in the parking lot, to allow for social distancing. The food preparation was handled by Connie and the cooking was done by Pastor Angelo and Alex. A special prayer was given by a guest. There was an abundance of food for the guest to enjoy hamburgers, steaks, pork chops, chicken, ribs and hot dogs with all the trimmings. Pasta salad, baked beans, potato salad, and a number of desserts. As guests started to load their plate with food, the smiles were contagious. Music was playing and the guests were enjoying each other's company. Everyone was beyond grateful for the food and the volunteers.
We served food to approximately 70+ people. Many of them came back for seconds and some had the opportunity to take a couple of meals to go. A couple of people that were provided transportation by H.E.L.P.S. Ministry to enjoy the meal were so appreciative. A couple of new families came to the event and were just so thankful.
They could not believe the feast! Connie, who handles the weekly food distribution, provided groceries to these families and invited them to come back during the week for more food. Last year, Food For Friends was unable to participate due to COVID. As life slowly returns to some version of normality, it's great to see people gathered together. The day was beautiful and the energy was great. A shout-out to the H.E.L.P.S. Ministry volunteers, they are amazing! They help with the set up and clean up afterward. The H.E.L.P.S Ministry is a chapel, food pantry and shelter that serves St. Charles and Elgin providing food and clothing to those in need. Food For Friends has been a strong partner to the H.E.L.P.S Ministry.
For more pictures from this event, go to our album on Facebook titled 2021-05-31 HELPS Cookout