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Year End Message

On behalf of the Food For Friends Board of Directors, we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all Food For Friends volunteers and benefactors who stepped up volunteering and also made generous financial donations in 2021, despite this pandemic. Our volunteers and leaders continued all year long Connecting and Giving Hope to people in need all over our city and suburbs.

Looking back on this year, we experienced change, challenges, and maybe, sadly, losses. The good news, by living by faith, God has brought us blessings, growth, and new beginnings as well. While COVID-19 has changed much of what we do and how we live, it also has brought out the best in our Food For Friends volunteers, donors and leadership team to provide help in serving people in need. 2 Corinthians 5:7 We live by faith, not by sight. We grew with new partners, new volunteers, and new donors in 2021 who reached out committing to support our mission.

Please check out our new website and read the personal and partner stories behind these events, click here for articles on our website.

2022 yearns for new beginnings, yet so many of our friends and neighbors are still experiencing hard times from loss of jobs, illnesses, and other hardships. The needs and requests for food and assistance continue to be brought to Food For Friends from many sources. Remember, it’s not too late to make a year-end financial gift to Food For Friends. Our board of directors are committed to providing hands on opportunities to reach people in need, feeding stomachs and ultimately reaching and feeding people's souls.

The entire team of Food For Friends leaders are so grateful to you for the generosity and gifts you have provided. With your volunteerism, support, and donations, we know we can continue to accomplish great things together. Living by faith, not by sight, doing God’s work, and serving our neighbors!

Blessings to you and your family,

Dan Herzog President, Food For Friends



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